Smooth sophistication of La Sirena Reposado with espresso, touch of coffee liqueur, hint of vanilla & a velvety crema finish create perfection…


• 1 ½ oz Dia De la Sirena Reposado
• 1oz Licor43 infused with Coffee or borghettiespresso liqueur
• 1 ½ oz illy INTENSO espresso
• ¼ oz Light Agave Nectar
• 2 dashes chocolate bitters


Glassware -Riedel Sour glass
Garnish –Abuelita Chocolate Dust & 3 Coffee beans


Method –Shake with ice, and double strain into chilled Riedel Sour glass. Allow cap to settle, torch and lightly dust with micro planed Abuelita Chocolate. Garnish with three Coffee beans.


Licor43 infusion –Add 1 cup of coffee beans per 750ml and infuse for 48hrs minimum. Label, and double strain into desired vessel